Celantur Cloud API supports only images at the moment. Support for videos will be added soon.
Create anonymization task
Creates a task for anonymizing images.
Uploading an image to the upload_url starts the anonymization process. If the file uploaded to the upload_url is not the content type image/jpeg or image/png the task status will be set to failed along with the failure cause CONTENT_TYPE_ERROR
Required parameters for a task are anonymization_method and either face, person, license_plate or vehicle.
Request Body
Response body JSON containing file information and parameters:
{"status_code":400,"error":"Could not create task. {parameter} parameter caused an error. This parameter does not exist."}
{"status_code":400,"error":"Could not create task. {parameter} parameter received an unexpected value."}
{"status_code":400,"error":"Could not create task. {parameter} parameter value caused an error. {Error cause}"}
{"status_code":400,"error":"Could not create task. Request body is not correct. {Error cause}"}
{"status_code":400,"error":"Could not create task. Please add a JSON body."}
{"status_code":404,"error":"Task is deleted. Please upload a new task."}
{"status_code":500,"error":"An unexpected error occurred. If the problem persists, please contact Celantur support (hello@celantur.com)."}
Get task
Retrieve a specific task.
The anonymized_url is included in the response body in case the task_status is done and the anonymized image can be downloaded.
In case the task failed, the task_status is set to failed and a "failure_cause" property will be added to the response body.
{"status_code":400,"error":"Getting task results failed. Please enter a task ID."}
{"status_code":400,"error":"Wrong format for Task ID. {task_id} is not an integer."}
{"status_code":400,"error":"Task ID not found. There is no task with task ID {task_id}."}
{"status_code":500,"error":"An unexpected error occurred. If the problem persists, please contact Celantur support (hello@celantur.com)."}
Get task status
Returns the status of the specified task. The anonymized_url is included in the response body in case the task_status is “done” and the anonymized image can be downloaded.
In case the task failed, the task_status is set to failed and a "failure_cause" property will be added to the response body.
{"status_code":400,"error":"Task ID not found. There is no task with task ID {task_id}."}
{"status_code":400,"error":"Wrong format for Task ID. {task_id} is not an integer."}
{"status_code":500,"error": "An unexpected error occurred. Please try creating a task again. If the problem persists, please contact Celantur support (hello@celantur.com)."
List tasks
List tasks and filter by creation time and task status.
Use pagination by specifying the next_page_key parameter.
{"status_code":400,"error":"Please enter a properly formatted time for the create_time_before value. Correct format: YYYY-MM-DD"}
{"status_code":400,"error":"Wrong format for task_id. Please enter an integer."}
{"status_code":400, "error": "Please enter a correct task_status. Task status value can only be one of ['new', 'queued', 'processing', 'done', 'failed']"
{"status_code":400,"error":"No create_time_* parameters have been specified."}
{"status_code":400,"error":"Please check your create_time_* parameters. create_time_after can not be later than/equal to create_time_before."}
{"status_code":500, "error": "An unexpected error occurred. If the problem persists, please contact Celantur support (hello@celantur.com)."
Sign in (authorization)
Provide your username and password credentials (of your app.celantur.com account) as a JSON payload to authenticate, and receive your AccessToken to use Celantur Cloud API.