Getting Started
Start anonymizing images and videos with Celantur Container.
Last updated
Start anonymizing images and videos with Celantur Container.
Last updated
Celantur Container is a Docker-based container image that automatically anonymizes faces, persons, license plates and vehicles on images and videos.
Celantur Container offers different data input/output modes:
Batch and Stream Mode (read/write from file system)
REST API Mode (sync and async)
Customize Blurring appearance
Install Celantur Container according to the installation guide. Ensure Docker Container is running before proceeding.
Due to large resolution panorama images require special parametrization to achieve the best anonymization results.
Run following command after, specifying the format value according to Predefined Formats if the panorama's resolution exactly matches an item in the list of predefined formats (e.g. pano:8192
If your panorama's resolution is not part of Predefined Formats, specify the middle section (x1, y1, x2, y2) of the panorama.
When starting with a demo of Celantur Container, our team will send you a customized code sample.
Install Celantur Container according to the installation guide. Ensure Docker Container is running before proceeding. Check if your video's codec is supported.
Run following command:
Optimize: Adapt thresholds (lower = better detections, potentially more false positives; higher = less false positives)
--face-threshold 0.3
, --license-plate-threshold 0.3
(Batch/Stream mode)
Celantur Container is getting continuously improved with new features. Read more about past and recent releases in the Release Notes.