Image Anonymization in Esri ArcGIS Online

Easily blur personal information in images hosted on ArcGIS Online by using Celantur Cloud API.


This tutorial will guide you through the process of anonymizing personal information in your images stored in ArcGIS Online. We'll use a Jupyter Notebook hosted on GitHub to connect ArcGIS Online with the Celantur Cloud API.

The Notebook will fetch the original image attachments which have not been anonymized yet, send them to Celantur Cloud API for anonymization, and save the anonymized images back to ArcGIS Online.


Before you begin, ensure you have the following:


1. Log in to ArcGIS Online

Log in to your ArcGIS Online account.

2. Prepare Feature Layer in ArcGIS Online

  1. On the ArcGIS page click to New Item button and proceed with creation of Feature Layer.

  2. Then open that new Item, and open Data tab and select Fields sub-tab

  3. Click to Add button (only if this field does not yet exist)

    • Field Name: is_anonymized

    • Display Name: Is anonymized

    • Type: integer

    • Default Value: 0

    • Click Add New Field

3. Add Images

Add images as attachment to points via e.g. Field Maps app. Make sure the same Feature Service Layer is specified in the Notebook code.

4. Add the Notebook

  1. In ArcGIS online, create a new Notebook.

  2. Insert the Notebook content from into your newly created Notebook.

5. Configure the Notebook

  1. In the section of ! CREDENTIALS ! specify your credentials accordingly

  2. Go to section Main

  3. Create directory /arcgis/home/downloads

  4. Run the Notebook

6. Check Anonymized Images

Verify that the personal information in your images has been successfully anonymized.

7. Schedule the Notebook (optional)

Schedule the Notebook to be executed regularly.


The current Notebook code will process all images where is_anonymized equals false. Please consider the impact of the amount of images on the Notebook runtime.


Congratulations! 🎉 You have successfully anonymized images in Esri ArcGIS Online using the provided Jupyter Notebook and Celantur Cloud API. Feel free to explore the code and customize it for your specific use case.

If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvement, please address your contact person at Celantur.

Last updated